
Thinking “I’m Angry” Is Not feeling, It’s Thinking

Thinking "I'm angry" is thinking, not feeling

When I told you about my motorbike ride to the Maras Salt Mines last week, I was thinking. When I was feeling the bike lean into the corners, I was feeling. Posting on social media about your last holiday is thinking. Feeling the warm water lapping at your toes is feeling. Thinking or telling someone … Continue reading

How to not rage-quit your job

A couple days ago, I received the following email from beastly rager Sonam. It’s about an intensely triggering experience he had at work that led to him almost rage-quitting his job… and how he handled it (quite beautifully). Here’s Sonam: The week before last I was moving steadily through my rages at my own pace. Practicing feeling awareness throughout … Continue reading
