
Silence Your Mind Like Never Before with Free Access to Lesson 1

And the award for the most-asked question goes to… But how on Earth does this nervous system wizardry actually work? I could bore you with the science, but why lecture when I can dazzle? Behold, the first Rage (lesson) straight from the hallowed virtual halls of The Rageheart Academy. And because I’m feeling generous, it’s … Continue reading

How To Weather ANY Storm

how to weather any storm

Imagine a tree 🌳 Now imagine some wind. The wind blows but the tree – if it’s a strong tree – stays put. Clouds come and the wind picks up… …but the tree stays put. Rain falls… …but the tree stays put. Thunder, lightning and snow assault the tree, blanket the ground and threaten to … Continue reading

San Pedro, Gratitude and Getting Nailed

Last week, I attended a San Pedro retreat here in Peru. San Pedro is a psychedelic cactus native to the mountains of Peru. It’s difficult to tell you exactly what it is or what it does, and I don’t want to colour your expectations of it in case you ever do it… …but I will … Continue reading

How To Stop Controlling Everything

How To Stop Controlling Everything

A few years back, I drank Ayahuasca in a farm house. The first night was a disaster… but that’s a story for another time. Today, I want to talk about the second night. There were 5 of us plus 2 facilitators. A couple hours in, I heard one of the other guests struggling. He was … Continue reading

“Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!”

Why don't I feel angry?

What’s your relationship with anger? Do you tell yourself that “I’m just not an angry person”? Do you have out-of-control explosive anger? Something in between? Maria talks about her profound journey with anger here: Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! I just finished the Rage on Annihilation and my life has been forever changed in the best way … Continue reading

The Weird Power of Curiosity

Somatic Experiencing and the power of curiosity and tracking sensations

Before Emily started working with her nervous system and survival response, she was clinically depressed and anxious. She had regular panic attacks. She hated her life. In fact, she was so miserable and unhappy that she considered killing herself numerous times 😳 It got so bad that she had to quit her corporate job in … Continue reading

How The Nervous System Messes With Our Relationships

How the nervous system messes with our relationships

Rageheart Academy member Misha says: It would be interesting to see some specific newsletters where you go into how the nervous system messes with our romantic relationships, i.e., the divorce rate is 50% in the US! Nervous system is definitely involved in that. This is an excellent question. Before I discovered the world of nervous system … Continue reading

Life Is The Greatest Healer

Life is the greatest healer and teacher

I drank Ayahuasca for the first time in Peru last year 🙂 It’s why I moved here. Well, one reason anyway. I’d already explored plant medicine and psychedelics elsewhere (including Ayahuasca). I also knew that Ayahuasca came from South America, with various tribes in Brazil, Peru and other countries who’d worked with it for thousands … Continue reading

Should You Cut Your Family Out Of Your Life?

Should you cut your family out of your life?

One of the unexpected things about the nervous system approach to healing is how is affects our family. Despite meditating for years before I found the nervous system approach… despite gratitude lists, journaling, life coaching, breath work and even therapy… …I never really had issues with my family. I mean, the issues were always there… … Continue reading

My Favorite Technique From Inside The Rageheart Academy

My favorite technique from inside The Rageheart Academy is something called “multi-tasking awareness”. But before I tell you how to do it, I need to lay some ground rules: This technique is powerful… and you need to be careful with it. It works by driving awareness out of the mind and into the body. While … Continue reading
