
How To Fight conspiracy theories

John Wood, Founder of Rageheart

by John Wood

I walked into the kitchen last night around 6pm and found ol’ Seany prepping his dinner. Chicken, rice and some strange brown sauce that smells like heaven as it wafts around the house 🤤

“Those conspiracy theories man… they’re dangerous”, Sean said while casually spraying his brown sauce onto his dinner as if the dinner is a burning house and the sauce bottle a fire hydrant.

Dangerous, you say?


What in the world could be dangerous about conspiracy theories? 🤨


They’re parasites.

This is what conspiracy theories look like inside your brain

I’ve seen first-hand how they take up residence inside someone’s brain and slowly take over almost all of that person’s thoughts, feelings and even actions 🦠

Once infected, that person eats, sleeps and breathes conspiracy theories.

They think about it whenever they get the chance (such as at 3am on their phone in bed when they can’t sleep – probably as a result of reading – you guessed it – too many conspiracy theories).

They read about it.

They talk about it to anyone who will listen… friends, family and on social media (and they tell themselves they’re “making a difference in the world”).

They burn untold amounts of emotional energy on it… typically feeling afraid of what it means or outraged that it’s happening.

They reassure themselves they they’re fighting the good fight. That they’re one of THE FEW WHO KNOW. One of the WOKE. And that anyone who disagrees is one of the SHEEPLE 🤣

But to me, conspiracy theories are one big fat waste of time and energy.

These people could be doing something that actually helps the world… but instead they’re spinning their wheels on stories that in all likelihood are complete BS… and the few that are not complete BS are beyond the ability of most people to affect or change.

Why do so many people fall prey to conspiracy theories? 🤦‍♂️

In my experience, there are 2 main factors:

  1. They’ve never learned how to think critically and as a result, they have no way to filter the information they hear from other people (whether online or in the real world)
  2. They’re got a bucketload of unresolved “stuff” inside them and they use conspiracy theories to feel better about it (without realising it)

If you need help with the first problem, read this (note: book links are affiliate links):

You will be blown away at just how irrational and unreasonable human beings have evolved to be.

In my experience, most conspiracy theory addicts DO NOT want to read these types of books which (to me at least) means that they’re the people who need to read them the most.

As for the 2nd problem, that’s where Rageheart comes in.

It’s a step-by-step system for working with all the unresolved “stuff” that’s inside you. All the insecurities and triggers and weird little buttons that drive you nuts. You also learn how to feel your body (especially your gut) instead of always being in your head – another essential tool for conspiracy theory addicts.

These days, if I start reading about conspiracy theories, I feel an immediate reaction in my stomach and it is not pretty 🤢

They stir up so much fight-or-flight energy in the nervous system and for what? For the sliiiiiiggghhhht possibility that something that you probably can’t even change might be true. Like I mentioned above, it is an epic waste of human energy.

Far better to focus on learning how to think critically, regulating/rewilding your nervous system and doing something that makes a real difference in the world.

Anyway, if you’d like to inoculate yourself against conspiracy theories by getting into your body, dig into Rageheart here:



John Wood

P.S. As for why I never bother to refute conspiracy theories anymore, an Amazon reviewer for the book Calling Bullshit: The Art of Skepticism in a Data-Driven World says it all:

Brandolini’s law, which states that “the amount of energy needed to refute BS is an order of magnitude bigger than that needed to produce it,” explains why there is so much BS in the world. As Uriel Fanelli put it, “an idiot can create more BS than you could ever hope to refute.”

​So creating BS is easy; refuting it is hard. And it is precisely this asymmetry that explains why BS persists and how it can even grow over time.

P.P.S. If you know anyone who is addicted to conspiracy theories and it’s not helping them, you know what to do.

Refer them to the Rageheart Newsletter and help them purge their conspiracy theory addiction from their system.

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