
I Had A Run-In With A Tiger Yesterday 😬

I had a run-in with a tiger yesterday

I was taking a leisurely walk in the Amazon jungle here in Peru. It was a beautiful day. Pristine blue sky. Clean air. The sound of running water somewhere in the distance. Everything went perfectly for the first few hours. But then… A tiger appeared! Worse yet, he looked hungry. Licking his lips, he started … Continue reading

Oh Shit! You Just Woke The Beast 😱

*Cue scary music* RUUUUUUNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!@#@!#!!!!! Actually, wait – Oh… The beast isn’t awake. Not yet anyway. The beast is just restless. Tossing and turning in their sleep. They might wake up… and to be honest, it would be great if they did. For you, me AND humanity. BUT… It’s far from guaranteed. That’s where Rageheart comes … Continue reading
