
Navy SEALS and UFC Champions Use A Nervous System Approach

Navy Seals and UFC Fighters use the science of the nervous system to perform and recover better.

I started one of Joel Jamieson’s courses on the weekend. He’s a best-selling author and one of the world’s foremost authorities on strength, conditioning, and energy systems. His training strategies have been used by thousands of elite performers and top athletes worldwide, including the Navy SEALS, UFC champions, and dozens of teams from the NFL, NBA, MLS, … Continue reading

How to break the hellish cycle of negativity

Every time I drink plant medicine or take psychedelics, I’m reminded yet again why I love the nervous system approach to healing so much. This time has been no different. Again and again, I get to see just how powerful these tools are… and how terrifying it must be if you don’t have them 😱 For example, … Continue reading
