
Do you suffer from NSD?

NSD is short for “nervous system dysregulation”. If you’ve got NSD, it essentially means that your nervous system is stuck ON or OFF (or both at the same time). If it’s stuck in ON (sympathetic / fight or flight) mode: You’re anxious. Angry. You rarely feel safe. You’re hyper-sensitive. You can’t focus. You can’t “come … Continue reading

Be here now or buy that butt plug?

It’s simple advice. Just be here now. Don’t think. Don’t imagine anything. Just be here now. And yet… It’s incredibly difficult, is it not? Look at how most people live. It’s ALL about distractions. It’s as if the entire world is designed simply to distract us from what’s happening right now. Thinking is simply the … Continue reading

I know I said no more butt plugs BUTTT…

…my friend Marianne sent me the following message after yesterday’s email and it was so good that I had to share it with you: You crack me up hahaha. Just in case you needed more information about butt plugs…… 🤣 Attached to Marianne’s message was a photo of, you guessed it, a butt plug. However, it was … Continue reading
