
I know I said no more butt plugs BUTTT…

John Wood, Founder of Rageheart

by John Wood

…my friend Marianne sent me the following message after yesterday’s email and it was so good that I had to share it with you:

You crack me up hahaha. Just in case you needed more information about butt plugs…… 🤣

Attached to Marianne’s message was a photo of, you guessed it, a butt plug.

However, it was an unusual looking butt plug.

Longer than usual with a weird spiral pattern on it… apparently so you can “screw” it in (they’ve thought of everything these days 🤷‍♂️)

The one and only POST-MORTEM BUTT PLUG

The caption explained it:

The Post-Mortem Butt Plug: When the funeral director gets you ready for your casket, sometimes they’ll take this lovely little device and shove it right up your ass to keep you from leaking all over your burial best.

AIN’T THAT LOVELY!@??!?!????

The question is…

How in the butt does this relate to Rageheart?

Well, I could talk about the pleasure of Rageheart and being in your body instead of your mind (this pleasure is not to be underestimated)…

…or the fact that the nervous system way of working hasn’t gone mainstream yet in the same way that butt plugs aren’t in every single person’s house yet.

However, I’d rather focus on the fact that if you do Rageheart – if you scrub your nervous system of all the old survival stress that’s cluttering it up – you’ll probably live longer than you otherwise would, and that means you won’t have to deal with “The Post-Mortem Butt Plug” for a long while yet.

No guarantees of course… but yeah, I think it’s a fairly safe bet 💪


Because an autonomic nervous system that’s cluttered up with old survival stress doesn’t work so well.

It often leads to digestive problems, autoimmune disorders, skin issues, anxiety, depression, OCD, self-doubt, imposter syndrome and so much more.

All of this produces “wear and tear” on the body and mind… increasing the chances of an early death.

See what I mean?

Scrubbing your nervous system isn’t just good for getting out of your head and into your body.

It’s also good for supercharging your health, getting more energy and being the strongest, toughest motherfucker at the nursing home 😎

Cool, hey?

This is Rageheart: the way of the beast.

If you’re already a member and feeling the impulse (Rage 9), hit the sign in link on the page below and get raging:


If you’re not a member yet but you’d like to experience it for yourself, sign up when it opens again on December 15.


John Wood

P.S. So I looked up the Post-Mortem Butt Plug online and I found some comments:

“The last fun thing you get to do after you die”

“wait, so I could have been getting PAID to do this??”

“I was gifted several of these by a mortician friend. I like to ‘gift’ them to my more masochistic playmates.”

“Christmas gift ideas so soon?”


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