
Foxy turns her nose up at her food – you’ll never guess what happened next

John Wood, Founder of Rageheart

by John Wood

There it stood:

I’d cooked up a fat plate of chicken thigh enveloped in rich creamy sauce for Foxy.

She took one bite.

Then two.

Then 5 more.

But then, something happened.

Something weird.

With at least 7 mouthfuls left, Foxy turned her nose up and skulked away.

She didn’t make any excuses.

She didn’t apologise.

Hell, she didn’t utter a single word.

She simply walked away.


It’s weird because this isn’t what the typical human does when served a plate of food.

Instead of stopping when we’re full, we’ll keep stuffing ourselves – usually because we don’t want to feel guilty for not finishing our food or offending the host.

Or if we stop, we’ll apologise.

Sorry but I’m so full.”

“It was really tasty but I just can’t eat any more.”

Unlike Foxy…

Instead of simply being ourselves, we feel the need to explain ourselves. We have to justify who we are, what we feel and what we do. We feel we have to take care of the other person’s feelings because if they feel bad, it’s obviously our fault 🤷‍♂️

In case it’s not obvious, Foxy is the name of a gorgeous cat at my Dad’s house in Australia.

That’s the thing with animals – yes, even house pets like cats or dogs – they are themselves, 100%, all the time.

They make no excuses.

They don’t justify or explain themselves.

And they sure as hell don’t tell you what you want to hear.

Come to think of it, kids are the same – at least before our toxic modern world gets to them.

But somewhere along the way, most of us lose this natural, instinctive authenticity.

We stop being ourselves and start being who we think we ought to be. Who we think the people around us want us to be.

It’s not conscious.

It’s a survival instinct.

In other words…

We do it to be safe.

To survive.

The problem is…

While it was appropriate and healthy as a kid… it gets in the way of us living our lives as adults.

It’s why we hold back in our lives. It’s why we make excuses or justify ourselves. It’s why we self-sabotage and why we feel imposter syndrome.

All because we’re not comfortable with who we are (unlike Foxy and cute, fluffy house pets everywhere 🐱).

Now of course, the usual self-help bandaids can help – meditation, gratitude lists, journaling, coaching and limiting belief work – but in my experience, they don’t transform the really deep-rooted fears and doubts.

For that, you need to attack the stored survival stress in your nervous system.

That’s where Rageheart comes in.

It’s a step-by-step system for mastering your stress physiology – all so you can purge fear, doubt and shame from your system and become who you really are (NOT who you think you are).

If you’d like to be less like the typical neurotic human and more like Foxy, skulk your way into a FREE trial before midnight tonight when the doors slam shut to new cats:


Already a member and feeling the impulse of the beast?

Hit the sign in link on that page and get raging.


John Wood

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